TVT is proposing changes to River Route and Thetford Connector Routes to go into effect July 1, 2024. As part of our planning process, we are asking for feedback regarding these changes at a public meeting to be held at 6:00 PM on Thursday, June 27th at TVT-ONW offices in Randolph. The meeting will also Read More…
Effective May 8, 2024, EZ Trip has replaced weekday MSB College/Hospital/Marble Works/Shaw’s fixed-route buses with FREE on-demand rides. All trips must begin and end within the Town of Middlebury EZ Trip Zone. EZ Trip is not available on weekends. However, > MSB Hannaford still in service on weekdays with a new footprint that ends at Read More…
Randolph, Vermont… Tri-Valley Transit (TVT) is excited to expand service on the 89’er Commuter Route to better serve rural communities along the I-89 Corridor and invites public feedback on proposed changes to the route effective August 28, 2023. All proposed changes are made with minimal impact to current riders while adding service to schools, businesses, Read More…
Randolph, Vermont – In response to the impending closure of Rochester’s local grocery store, Tri-Valley Transit (TVT) announces the launch of a weekly public bus route between Hancock and Randolph. “We recognize that Mac’s closing is a significant crisis in the local community,” said Jim Moulton, TVT Executive Director. “We already serve transit dependent people Read More…
Bradford, VT – Tri-Valley Transit is proud to announce that the Upper Valley Community Transportation Center (UVCTC) designed by Black River Design, Architects has recently been awarded an Efficiency Vermont Small New Construction Best of the Best award and a Net Zero Award and Vermont Green Building Award from the Vermont Green Building Network in Read More…
By popular demand, Tri-Valley Transit will begin Mon-Fri midday LINK to Burlington bus service on Tuesday, May 2nd. The plan includes a new one-seat ride to the University Mall in South Burlington with return service on the next trip. UVMMC and GMT’s Downtown Transit Center will also be served on the midday runs. There are Read More…
Effective Tuesday, November 1, 2022, Tri-Valley Transit (TVT) will double frequency of service on the weekday Link to Burlington. This commuter express route connects Middlebury to Burlington and points in between along the Route 7 corridor. Key destinations include Vermont Teddy Bear, VT Day School, Shelburne Road (near Waldorf School), UVM Medical Center and the Read More…
Heading out of Addison County on a train? Here’s how to connect to an Amtrak depot using transit. Middlebury- Reserve a free ride on EZ Trip Middlebury microtransit. Vergennes – Request a stop by request on the Tri-Town Vergennes bus. Full schedule details are available under route information on this site Luggage is welcome on Read More…